
News and Updates
July 23, 2024

Displaced Syrians in Dire Need of Support

Muslim Hands

Imagine a young child in a refugee camp, dressed in mud-streaked clothes clutching a faded stuffed animal as the scorching sun beats down. His small frame is visibly malnourished, a stark reminder of the severe deprivation he faces daily.

This is the harsh reality for countless children living in refugee camps. Since 2011, millions of Syrians have been forced to flee their homes due to unending conflict. Turkey, the world's largest refugee resettlement country, is home to many of these displaced families.

Tragically, women and children are hit hardest, with most living below the poverty line.

Our teams are on the ground in Turkey working tirelessly to provide essential aid to these families. However, with 70% of Syrian families not planning to return to Syria in the next five years, the need for support is more urgent than ever.

Your generous donation to our Syrian Refugee Emergency Food Fund will provide vital sustenance to those who need it most. You can also contribute to the Syrian Refugee Medical Fund to help needy families. Your Sadaqah and Zakat can make a difference and save lives.  


Approximately, more than 14 million Syrians have left Syria since 2011

90 % of Syrians live below the poverty line

3.1 million Syrian children are internally displaced

Muslim Hands

Muslim Hands was established in the UK in 1993. Muslim Hands is an international aid agency and NGO working in over 50 countries worldwide to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. Muslim Hands Canada is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (Charity Registration No. 81126 4985 RR0001).