
News and Updates
August 6, 2024

From Yemen: A Little Boy's Journey of Hope

Muslim Hands
The little boy before medical intervention

When his parents brought their 14-month-old to the Muslim Hands Medical Clinic in Yemen, he was suffering from extreme malnutrition. A swollen belly, protruding ribs, and pale sunken eyes. But with intervention from a dedicated team of medical professionals, swift treatment, nutritional support, and counseling services for parents, Mohammad now looks like a healthy baby.

His once sunken cheeks filled out, his laughter echoed through the corridors of the health centre, and his eyes sparkled with vitality.

Mohammed's father, Ammar, worked tirelessly to provide for his family, juggling multiple low-paying jobs. Despite his unwavering determination, the family often found themselves on the brink of despair, with days passing by without enough food or adequate shelter.


The little boy after intervention

As Mohammed's health improved, so did the outlook for his family. The anxiety and worry began to lift, replaced by gratitude and optimism. The clinic not only brought this child back to life but infused his family with hope, empowering them to face the challenges with strength and determination.

The Muslim Hands Medical Clinic in Yemen provides vital healthcare services to community members facing barriers such as limited financial resources, lack of transportation, and those living in remote areas. By offering comprehensive healthcare, the clinic’s doctors diagnose, treat, and manage health conditions, leading to early diagnosis and treatment.  Additionally, the clinic provides health education, empowering parents like Mohammad's father to make informed decisions.                                                                                                            

The family lives in this makeshift home made of planks of wood

$200 provides medical care for twenty-five patients, $400 provides care for 50 patients, and $1000 can provide care for 125 patients in Yemen.

Commit to treating children facing unimaginable consequences of conflict. Your donation can save a child’s life.

Muslim Hands

Muslim Hands was established in the UK in 1993. Muslim Hands is an international aid agency and NGO working in over 50 countries worldwide to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. Muslim Hands Canada is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (Charity Registration No. 81126 4985 RR0001).