Yemen Emergency Appeal


Yemen can't wait, act now and save lives

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Key Facts

Yemen is facing a humanitarian catastrophe

16 million Yemenis require water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) assistance.

18 million people require humanitarian assistance.

2.7 million children face acute malnutrition.

Yemen: The World’s Most Urgent Humanitarian Crisis

Years of conflict has destroyed Yemen and has had devastating consequences on its people. Approximately 18 million people require humanitarian assistance, including 9.8 million children. The conflict in Yemen has worsened the persistent malnutrition crisis, with about 2.7 million children enduring acute malnutrition, including hundreds of thousands facing severe acute malnutrition – a condition requiring urgent treatment.

We are committed to the long-term stability of Yemen. With your generous support, Muslim Hands teams are on the ground, providing emergency relief in the worst-affected areas.

Our bread factories supply free bread to thousands in Yemen on the brink of starvation. Our health clinics offer vital health services to vulnerable Yemenis facing barriers such as limited financial resources, lack of transportation, and those living in remote areas. Additionally, our clinics play a vital role in health education and empowering individuals to make informed decisions.

The people of Yemen desperately need your support. Their survival depends on it.

Act now, save lives

Donate to Yemen

Our Work in Yemen

Fighting Famine with Our Bread Factory

“Bread is a staple food we take for granted but in Yemen it can save lives.  For many Yemenis the bread factory will provide the only meal they will have in the day. This basic item will stop thousands of people starving.” [Abdul Rahman Hussein, Country Director Yemen Programmes]

As a response to widespread famine and malnutrition, we are supporting a bread factory in Aden. 

These factories support widows, orphans and people with disabilities,  providing thousands of loaves of bread every single day. 

With your help, we can alleviate hunger and provide stability and normality to communities that have been devastated by years of conflict.

donate to the bread factory

Yemen Health Crisis: Medical Clinics

More than half of all health facilities in Yemen are damaged or unable to function, leaving millions without access to the vital treatment they need. Today, Yemen's healthcare is now largely dependent on outside aid. 

Years of conflict have exacerbated the collapse of Yemen's public health system, leaving the population to grapple with cholera, diphtheria, malnutrition, conflict-related injuries and now the COVID19 pandemic.

Our health clinics in Lahj are providing vulnerable families in rural villages with healthcare, medicine and nutrition services, including prioritizing pregnant women and children for nutrition testing. We are also providing medical awareness sessions to help families better care for themselves.

Your donations are urgently needed to help us continue implementing these projects. It is unacceptable that children are dying of preventable illnesses in Yemen right now, and it is our responsibility to put an end to this tragedy.

Providing Safe Water in Yemen

Yemen has been battling a severe cholera outbreak, made worse by the lack of accessible, clean drinking water. Nearly a third of all cholera cases are children under the age of 5. Access to safe drinking water can prevent cholera and other diseases from spreading in vulnerable communities.

With your help we’re able to build solar-powered wells and rehabilitate existing water systems, bringing water to local communities who are well educated in well maintenance, guaranteeing them clean water for the future.


Our upcoming plans include restoring wells in various camps and villages to support upwards of 75,000 Yemenis in Lahj, Marib, Shabowa, Al Dhale’e and Taiz.

These wells will mean people don’t have to walk for miles just for a bucket of contaminated water – they will truly transform the lives of thousands.

Yemen Water Fund

Help The People Of Yemen

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Muslim Hands

Muslim Hands was established in the UK in 1993. Muslim Hands is an international aid agency and NGO working in over 50 countries worldwide to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. Muslim Hands Canada is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (Charity Registration No. 81126 4985 RR0001).