The Significance of the Sacred Month of Rajab

As we draw nearer to the 27th of Rajab which is expected to fall on the evening of 6th February, 2024, let’s seek this opportunity to get closer to Allah (swt), and seek his enormous Blessings and Barakah. The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha‘ban is my month and Ramadan is the month of my Ummah’.
It is imperative that during this month we seek Allah (swt’s) mercy and forgiveness, stay away from sins, increase our good deeds, and charitable contributions.
Rajab is the month when the most significant historical events took place. It marks Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) nightly journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and his ascension to heaven. In the first video, Ustad Shah discusses the virtues and merits of Rajab to His Ummah. This is followed by a discussion on the Messenger of Allah (saw)’s Night journey to Jerusalem. The discussion ends with the significance of the Al-Isra wal-Miraj or the Ascension.
Click here to watch the video: The Merits of Rajab

Click here to watch the video: The Messenger of Allah’s Night Journey to Jerusalem

Click here to watch the video: Significance of Al-Isra Wal-Miraj or the Ascension

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