10 Ways to Keep Busy While Social Distancing

Social distancing might be keeping us healthy and safe, but it can also make us go a bit crazy. We have put together a handy guide of things you can do to help pass the time and keep your mind active.
- Recite the holy Quran
School and work may be cancelled, but your religion has not. Use your free time to increase your recitations and memorization of the holy Quran. The Prophet Mohammed (saw) has said that plagues and viruses like Covid-19 are in fact a blessing to the ummah as they help to bring us closer to Allah Almighty. Start by allocating 15-30 minutes each day to reciting the Holy Quran and try to memorize a new verse or chapter.
- Keep on top of your studies
If you are a student, do not neglect your studies entirely. Use this opportunity to read up on areas of interest, practice things you may be struggling with and start revising past material. Not only will this benefit you in the future, but it is also a great way of keeping your mind healthy and active.
- Stay healthy
It is easy to become lazy and inactive, especially as going to the gym is now not an option. If you have a regular workout routine, then try to stick to it by making use of instructional videos and online classes as a guide. Invest in fitness equipment or improvise with household items like water bottles etc and make use of the garden. You should also ensure that you stay hydrated, avoid snacking on unhealthy foods and try not to sit for long periods.
- Spend time with family
This might be a hard one but social distancing is a great chance for us to reconnect and spend more quality time with our loved ones at home. We often take our family for granted and do not appreciate their company. Dig out some board games, watch a movie together or set out to do a task together like cleaning the garden, or emptying the loft.
- Get skilled up
Now is the perfect time to develop your skill sets and complete that online course you were always planning to do. If you are unsure where to start, think of something that you have always wanted to learn or a special skill that may advance your career. If you can’t think of anything, pick up a cooking book, pull out the sewing kit or consider learning a new language online.
- Call and connect with family from near and far
Normal work routines make it hard to find time to call and check up on our grandparents, family and friends, especially if they are overseas. Pick up the phone, write a letter, or even Skye call them and establish long lost connections with your loved ones.
- Get creative
What better way to pass time then to put together a scrapbook, write a short story, begin a novel, or start a painting. The opportunities are endless.
- Stay up to date
The Covid-19 pandemic is rapidly changing so it is important that you keep up to date with world events. You may not be able to go outside but that does not mean you should shut yourself off from the outside world.
- Clean up
Now is the time to finally do all those things we had wanted to do when we got some free time. From cleaning the house, the garage, the loft and the spare room, to mowing the lawn and sweeping the driveway, keeping your house and garden clean will also help stop the spread of the virus.
- Don’t forget your charity
Charity starts at home. These may be tough times financially as many of us are working reduced hours or taking pay cuts, but we can still do our bit for the less fortunate. If you are able to, consider donating financially to a charity. If this is not possible, perhaps spend your extra time cleaning out your cupboards and putting together clothes and shoes that can be donated to charity after the lockdown is over. The best time to give to charity is during hard times as the reward is even greater.
You can help us support some of the hardest hit by this pandemic by donating to our Coronavirus Appeal where your donations will help provide essential food parcels and hygiene kits to the most vulnerable communities around the world.
Here are ways you can help