Yemen Bread Factory

Yemen is on the brink of famine. The ongoing war has created the worst humanitarian crisis in the world where 2/3 Yemenis cannot afford to buy food and half of the country is now on the brink of starvation. Intervention is vital if millions of people are to survive, with women and children being the most vulnerable
As a response to widespread famine and malnutrition, Muslim Hands is opening two bread factories in the cities of Aden and Ma’rib. The bread factories will aim to support food-insecure families by baking 6,000 loaves each daily for the next six months, which will reach out to 3,000 beneficiaries every day in each location. The bread factory in Aden will open its doors at the beginning of this month, with Ma’rib following one month later.

The bread factory will distribute in four districts per location ensuring that as many people in need are being reached such as those internally displaced, disabled and child-headed households. It will also create job opportunities and a steady income for those who work at the factories with the hope that the project will continue for the foreseeable future in other locations.
Bread is a staple food in conflict regions such as Yemen and is a contributing factor in reducing food insecurity for millions
Abdul Rahman Hussein, Country Director Yemen Programmes, said:
‘Bread is a staple food we take for granted but in Yemen it can save lives. For many Yemenis the bread factory will provide the only meal they will have in the day. This basic item will stop thousands of people starving. All the running costs of the project are covered by Muslim Hands, and with our donors supporting they are helping to alleviate hunger, provide stability and normality to communities that have been devastated by years of conflict’.