
News and Updates
May 28, 2024

Bringing Hope with your Qurbani/Udhiyah

Muslim Hands

Ilaad Yusuf from Qarsoon, Somalia, a widow and mother is raising eight children alone.

Life hasn't been easy for Ilaad and her family. They've faced floods, poverty, and the daily struggle to put food on the table.

Before Muslim Hands intervened, Ilaad's family could only dream of eating meat. But thanks to the generosity of donors like you, the family received fresh meat during the days of Eid Al Adha.

“We are enjoying delicious Qurbani meat provided by Muslim Hands,” Ilaad said.  “Before this intervention, my children and I could not have meat...May Allah reward those generous donors."


With tears of joy streaming down her face, Ilaad shared her dreams for the future. She hopes her children can attend school and break free from the cycle of poverty.  

For as low as $65, Muslim Hands will distribute your Qurbani/Udhiyah meat to eight locations including Pakistan, Mali, Niger, Yemen, India, The Gambia, Senegal, and Where Most Needed, reaching the most deserving families.

In 2024, food security remains a critical challenge, with approximately 783 million people experiencing chronic hunger worldwide.

By offering your Qurbani/Udhiyah with Muslim Hands, you can help bring hope, nourishment, and joy to those most in need as we approach the blessed month of Dhul Hijjah.

Read more blogs:

Your Questions Answered: Qurbani and Eid Al Adha

Dhul Hijjah: A Month of Reflection, Renewal and Reverence

The Prophetic Sunnah: Reviving a Forgotten Sunnah

Hajj: The Facts

Muslim Hands

Muslim Hands was established in the UK in 1993. Muslim Hands is an international aid agency and NGO working in over 50 countries worldwide to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. Muslim Hands Canada is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (Charity Registration No. 81126 4985 RR0001).