How to Pray Eid Salah

Eid Al-Fitr, which translates to "the celebration of breaking the fast" in Arabic, is anticipated to start on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. The festivity begins upon the sighting of the crescent moon, indicating the beginning of the month of Shawwal in the Islamic Hijri calendar.
Eid prayers are an essential component of this celebration. However, many of us misunderstand the rules behind Eid prayers, and can often arrive at the mosque confused, and pray the salah incorrectly. When the imam calls out the second takbeer, some of us bend down into rukuh, only to find everyone else standing. Read some pointers below so you can ensure you read your Eid Al-Fitr salah correctly.

1. There are no nafl (voluntary) prayers offered before or after Eid prayers. As reported by Ibn ‘Abbas (ra): 'The Prophet (saw) went out to the place of prayer on the Day of Fitr and prayed two raka’ah of Eid prayer, not praying before or after them.' (Bukhari)
2. At the start of the prayer, niyyah (intention) should be made. This intention must be present in the heart. However, if you wish to verbalise it too, you can do as follows, ‘I am performing two raka’ah Eid ul-Fitr salah.’
3. In the first raka’ah the Imam will say the takbeer (Allahu Akbar) to start the prayer, after which he will say multiple more takbeers. The number of takbeers can vary depending on which Imam you are following. Typically, your Imam will run through the amount of takbeers prior to the start of the prayer. After this, al-Faatihah will be recited followed by another surah.
4. During the second raka’ah you should stand up after the Imam has said the first takbeer, after which the takbeer will be repeated several times. Surah al-Faatihah will then be recited, followed by another surah.
5. After the prayer, the Imam will address the people in a khutbah (sermon). This can last anywhere from ten to thirty minutes. You must listen to the sermon as the Imam will address important Islamic issues.
We hope you find these tips helpful. If you want to know more about sunnah acts performed on Eid, you can read this post here. Remember to pay your mandatory Zakat al-Fitr before the start of Eid prayers.
From all of us at Muslim Hands Canada, we wish you a wonderful Eid al-Fitr. May Allah (swt) accept our fasts and prayers, bringing us endless happiness on this blessed day. InshAllah.