A Compassionate Qurbani
In recent years there has been a big push towards eating clean, wholesome foods, fresh organic produce and supporting ethical farming practices. While this is a growing trend in the Western world, conscious and clean eating is a concept encouraged from the very beginning of Islam.
Halal and Tayyib
In the Noble Quran, Almighty Allah (swt) commands us to only eat meat that fits the criteria of being both Halal and Tayyib.

Tayyib refers to meat that is good, pure, gentle, and wholesome. While the Halal criteria ensure that the slaughtering of animals is done in the correct manner making it permissible for Muslims to eat, Tayyib ensures the meat is healthy and nutritious for our bodies.
As Muslims, our main focus tends to be on whether the meat is halal, and we often forget about Tayyib, but it is just as important. In fact, the Quran emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the meat we eat is both Halal and Tayyib.
As such, it is our duty to ensure that we refrain from purchasing livestock that has been farmed in poor conditions, has been mistreated, or has suffered intensive and unnatural farming methods, as these would not fit the criteria of being Halal or Tayyib.
At Muslim Hands, we ensure that the animals we use for your Qurbani are both Halal and Tayyib. We only use local, healthy animals that are cared for by local farmers and we offer a wide variety of locations for you to select from

Part of eating Tayyib is knowing that the animals we consume are healthy and free of disease, hormones, antibiotics and chemicals at the time of slaughter. All our farmers look after their animals for months before Qurbani and ensure they are healthy, well-fed, and watered and treated with kindness and compassion.
We also ensure that your Qurbani is purely Halal, following strict Islamic guidelines. Every animal is slaughtered quickly, with a sharp knife to minimise pain, and the knife is placed away from their sight and hearing to prevent inflicting unnecessary pain on the animals at the time of slaughtering.
By donating your Qurbani with Muslim Hands, you are supporting the hard work of local farmers, ensuring that they have a steady income and are receiving a fair price for their animals, in line with fair trade best practices. Being compensated fairly allows local farmers to also look after the animals’ well and prevents them from cutting corners to make profits.

The Prophet’s (saw) love for animals
The Prophet (saw) was especially fond of animals, including birds, insects, and sea creatures and encouraged the Sahabah to treat them with kindness and respect. If He (saw) saw an animal over-burdened or ill-fed, he would speak to the owner and say “Fear Allah in your treatment of animals” [Abu Dawood].
The Prophet (saw) also encouraged mankind to worship Allah (swt) by being merciful to His creations, including plants, trees, and animals, and as such forbade the practice of cutting tails and manes of horses, branding animals at any soft spot, or keeping horses saddled unnecessarily.

This Eid-ul-Adha, give your Qurbani with Muslim Hands from as little as $60, and be rest assured that your Qurbani will be Halal, Tayyib, and beneficial to both you and its recipients.