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March 6, 2024

Teach Children About Ramadan: Educational Activities and Resources

Muslim Hands

With Ramadan a few days away, let’s prepare our children for this blessed month. Ramadan presents Muslim parents with an opportunity to not only help children understand the important rituals of this blessed month such as Fasting, Salah, Zakat, and Sadaqah, but also become better human beings, and learn about the characteristics of our beloved Prophet Peace Be Upon - teachings which can serve as a source of inspiration in their daily lives.

This article will explore interactive ways to teach children about Ramadan and its traditions.

1. Read Islamic Storybooks:  Storytelling is a great way to teach children about Ramadan, allowing children to learn about fasting, prayer and acts of kindness through engaging narratives. Hop into your local public library or bookstore, or do a quick Amazon search -- the internet is flooded with books that can inspire, entertain, and educate children about Islam and the virtues of our Prophet Peace be Upon Him. Some well-known stories that have received positive reviews include, Tell Me More About Ramadan, written by Bachar Karroum, and Five Pillars and Me by Fouzia Sultana.

2. Involve Children in Arts and Crafts Projects: Get creative with children by involving them in crafts and projects related to Ramadan. Help them create Ramadan lanterns, Ramadan greeting cards, and Ramadan calendars. You can also involve children in creating paper crescent moons and stars, which they can decorate around the house.  A Ramadan scrapbook can be created together to document special moments and reflections throughout the month. Children can include drawings of mosques, write surahs and duas which they have learned over the month, or jot down the characteristics of the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him which they strive to emulate. There are so many ways to get creative while keeping up with Islamic knowledge.

3. Write a Gratitude Journal: By writing daily blessings within the gratitude journal, children can learn to appreciate the importance of having food, family, and Islam in their lives while delving deeper into the hardships faced by millions around the globe who live a life of poverty and destitution. Such activities cannot only reinforce learning about this blessed month but also allow children to express their creativity, and have fun while learning.

4Engage in Cooking: Food plays a major role in Ramadan with special meals enjoyed during Sahoor and Iftar. Sit down with your children, jot down their favorite foods, search the internet for recipes together, and involve your little ones in food preparation.  Bonding over meals can be a great way to connect with your children while keeping the Ramadan spirit alive.

6. Translate Surahs from the Quran. Pick up a surah every day and translate it to your children. This activity not only promotes communication but also understanding the surahs deepens children's knowledge and interpretation of the Quran.

7. Access Educational Resources: Make use of educational resources such as YouTube channels and interactive websites that are designed to teach children about Ramadan and Islam. They offer educational materials and activities for children, providing them with an enriching learning experience.

Ramadan Mubarak to you and your Family!



Download Your Ramadan Journal 

Muslim Hands

Muslim Hands was established in the UK in 1993. Muslim Hands is an international aid agency and NGO working in over 50 countries worldwide to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. Muslim Hands Canada is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (Charity Registration No. 81126 4985 RR0001).