EdgeWalk 2024: Help Raise Funds to Provide Clean Water
August 26, 2024
CN Tower, 290 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON M5V 3L9
Let’s Get Started
1. Register to save your spot for $225
2. Download our fundraising guide below
3.. Raise a minimum of $750 to help build a community well
4. Spread the word- Ask your family and friends to sponsor you
How Can a Community Water Well Change Lives?
Watch the video to see the impact of this community water well on an impoverished community in Mali.
Frequently Asked Questions
A. By participating, you’ll be fundraising to build a Community Water Well, providing clean water to an underprivileged community. Register now to reserve your spot and be part of this exhilarating journey that can save lives.
A. 1. Walkers must:
• Weigh more than 75 lbs/34 kg and less than 310 lbs/140 kg
• be 13 yrs. of age or older. Ages 13-17 must be accompanied by a parent / legal guardian to provide written consent. (Parent / legal guardian does not need to accompany EdgeWalker on the "Walk")
• Be in good physical health, have full body control and hand-eye-foot coordination and able to walk independently (without walking aids or medical devices
2. You may not participate in the EdgeWalk if:
• Pregnant
• Have broken bones
• Have undergone surgery in the last 6 months or are experiencing ongoing symptoms
• Have experienced a seizure in the past 6 months and do not hold a driver's license for this reason
• Have chest pain or shortness of breath
• Under the influence of any drug (legal or illegal) or alcohol
3. The following conditions may impact the ability to Walk safely:
• All heart conditions (including high blood pressure)
• All respiratory conditions
• Missing or partly missing limbs (prosthetics are not permitted)
• Vertigo, dizziness or loss of balance
• Visual impairment (except those wearing prescription glasses or contact lenses)
A. To secure your place you must pay a refundable registration fee of $225 upon registration. All participants are required to raise a minimum of $750 each to take part in the event. 75% of the target must be raised prior to the event date. For fundraising ideas don't forget to download our guide here.
A. The dates of the Edgewalk Challenge are August 26 at 12 PM. All participants must meet staff by 11:15 AM sharp at the main entrance of the CN tower (CN Tower, 290 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON M5V 3L9).
A. For any queries or concerns, please contact our Events and Volunteer Coordinator,
Muhab Abdelrahim at muhab.abdelrahim@muslimhands.ca or call our office at (289) 722-7272.

Muslim Hands was established in the UK in 1993. Muslim Hands is an international aid agency and NGO working in over 50 countries worldwide to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. Muslim Hands Canada is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (Charity Registration No. 81126 4985 RR0001).