Food 4 Kids
Tackling childhood hunger, one meal at a time
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How hunger affects children
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What is Food 4 Kids?
Help us put an end to child hunger.
Providing our children with nutritious meals to sustain their physical and mental development is an important part of our responsibility as a community. Yet, millions of disadvantaged kids around the world go hungry every day.
Without access to nutritional food, a child dies every ten seconds from hunger-related diseases. With simple solutions like providing healthy meals, nutritional supplements and treatment against infections, many children can be saved from the devastating effects of malnutrition.
Raising awareness about the dangers of poor nutrition and its impact on early childhood development is a big part of the program. We train healthcare workers and teachers to recognize and treat malnutrition. With your generous support, we can reach many more children and save many more little lives.
Through our Food 4 Kids program, we provide daily meals, vitamin supplements and medical check-ups to young children in Niger, Mali, Sudan and Pakistan providing them with the nutrition they need to stay strong and healthy.

The Dangers of Malnutrition
Did you know that 45% of all child deaths are linked to malnutrition? Death is the worst possible outcome of malnutrition; but it’s not the only consequence.
Children who survive poor nutrition are faced with a host of other illnesses, impaired cognitive development, stunted growth and sometimes even blindness. Children grappling with these devastating consequences will never be able to grow into adolescents with fully realized futures, instead they waste away, unable to pursue a career or develop into an adult with potential.
Good nutrition allows children to survive, focus, grow, develop, learn, play, achieve, dream, and hope.
At Muslim Hands we understand that our Food 4 Kids program is the cornerstone of children’s development; if you improve nutrition, you can improve a child’s ability to focus and achieve well in class and improve not only their future prospects, but that of their family and community.
When a family has strong, healthy working individuals, you have rehabilitated an entire community. In this way, the chain of poverty and poor health is broken.
Every child has the right to pursue an education unimpeded by the devastating effects of malnutrition; the importance of providing young people with access to nutritious food and basic healthcare is unquestionable.

The Four Point Plan
In a world of plenty, it is a travesty that children are dying from hunger-related illnesses.
For those who do survive, the ill health and low energy levels caused by hunger pose an insurmountable obstacle to accessing education and building a better future.
At Muslim Hands we have implemented a Four-Point Plan to combat malnutrition.
Muslim Hands was established in the UK in 1993. Muslim Hands is an international aid agency and NGO working in over 50 countries worldwide to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. Muslim Hands Canada is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (Charity Registration No. 81126 4985 RR0001).