
You donate, we deliver

For individuals with mobility impairments, a wheelchair can mean the difference between dependence and independence. Many individuals live without them simply because they cannot afford this life-changing support.

Your Sadaqah and Zakat will provide wheelchairs people in need, allowing them to attend school or work, engage with their communities, thereby improving quality of life.

  • $2,200 can provide 10 wheelchairs
  • $6,600 can provide 30 wheelchairs
  • $11,000 can provide 50 wheelchairs

With your donation, you will receive a personalized feedback report, including images of the project, details of the location, and photos of the beneficiaries. This will allow you to see the tangible impact your contribution has had on the community and the lives you've helped transform.

Give the gift of mobility today and help transform a life.